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OORT disrupts the AI data annotation industry using blockchain and WEB3.



Artificial Intelligence (AI), as the forefront of today's technology field, relies on a large amount of data for training and optimization. Data annotation, as the cornerstone of AI development, is particularly important.
Recently, OORT's flagship product DataHub in the field of data annotation has started testing and quickly iterated to version 2.0, allowing 10,000 people to participate during the testing period.
This article will analyze in depth the current status of AI data annotation in the world and in China, including worker salaries, and explore the advantages of oortech using blockchain and Web3 technology for data annotation.

Global AI Data Annotation Status

Market Size and Demand:
The global AI data annotation market has shown rapid growth in recent years. According to a report by market research company Grand View Research, the global data annotation market is expected to reach $6 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 22.5%. This growth is driven by the demand for AI applications in various fields such as autonomous driving, healthcare, and intelligent customer service.

Work Mode and Cost:
Global data annotation mainly relies on outsourcing, including full-time employees, part-time workers, and crowdsourcing. In the United States and Europe, the annual salary of full-time annotators usually exceeds $30,000, while in developing countries, annotation can be done at a lower labor cost through outsourcing or crowdsourcing. For example, in India and the Philippines, the monthly salary of annotators is usually between $200 and $500, and the type of annotation work also affects the salary level.

China's AI Data Annotation Status


Market Size:
As one of the largest AI application markets in the world, China also has a huge demand for data annotation. According to a report by iResearch, the size of the Chinese data annotation market in 2025 is estimated to be around 10 billion yuan, and it is expected to maintain rapid growth in the coming years.

Labor Situation and Cost:
China's data annotation market is mainly composed of young labor, part-time college students, and some low-skilled labor. The wages of annotators vary depending on the city. For example, in cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the monthly salary of full-time annotators is approximately 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, while in second and third-tier cities, this number is usually between 3,000 and 4,000 yuan.


oortech Takes the Lead in Using Blockchain and Web3 Technology to Build the Data Annotation Platform "DataHub," with the following significant advantages:

Data Transparency and Traceability:
The immutability of blockchain technology ensures the transparency and traceability of each annotation process. All details of data annotation are recorded on the blockchain, and users and clients can clearly see the data flow and processing process, effectively preventing data falsification and tampering, and improving the reliability of AI model training data.

Decentralized Trust Mechanism:
Through the decentralized nature of blockchain, the data annotation platform can operate without intermediaries, directly connecting data demanders and annotators. Smart contracts play an important role in this process, automatically executing task allocation, annotation quality review, and reward payment, reducing the trust cost and management expenses of centralized intermediaries.

Smart Contracts and Automated Operations:
Smart contracts in Web3 can pre-set tasks and reward mechanisms. After the annotation work is completed and approved, smart contracts will automatically execute the payment. Annotation results that do not meet the standards will trigger corresponding penalty mechanisms, improving work efficiency and the accuracy of results, while reducing operational costs caused by manual operations.

Global Collaboration and Resource Optimization:
Blockchain and Web3 platforms break geographical restrictions and utilize global labor resources. Through the reward mechanism of encrypted tokens, annotators from all over the world are attracted to participate, forming a 24/7 collaborative network to improve task completion speed and ensure the diversity and quality of data.


Incentive Mechanism:
In the traditional data annotation industry, the channels to obtain data annotation tasks are crucial. Many studios go out of business because they cannot get enough work, and most of the tasks they receive have been passed through many hands. Under layers of exploitation, the benefits that reach the data annotators are minimal. However, oort's DataHub uses the token economy in Web3, allowing annotators to receive timely and firsthand rewards and participate in the long-term benefits of the platform through earning platform tokens. oortech can allocate tokens to annotators based on their participation and data quality, creating positive incentives and attracting more high-quality annotators to join.

Privacy Protection:
The combination of blockchain and privacy protection technologies (such as zero-knowledge proofs) ensures the privacy and security of data annotation processes. Annotators can participate in tasks without exposing personal data, and data demanders can ensure that the original data is not abused or leaked, complying with data privacy protection laws and regulations in various countries worldwide.


The global and Chinese AI data annotation markets are in a rapid development stage, and with the continuous advancement of AI technology, the importance of data annotation is becoming more prominent. However, traditional data annotation models face many challenges in terms of transparency, security, and efficiency. By introducing blockchain and Web3 technology, oortech provides a more efficient, secure, and transparent solution, breaking through the bottlenecks of traditional models and further promoting the development of the AI data annotation industry, completely revolutionizing the traditional AI data annotation industry.

In the future, with the continuous improvement of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, the application prospects of blockchain and Web3 in the field of data annotation will be even broader. OORT will inevitably become the leader and leader in the data annotation sub-track under the wave of AI.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.